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Safer Banking Research (SBR) has developed a detailed ranking system to identify what we view as the 15 safest banks in the United States!

We offer an annual subscription for $599 (discounted to $499 for charter members), which provides you:

  • 1) Access to our detailed initial reports on each of 15 top-ranked banks (focussing on 20 key areas of ranking).
  • 2) Monthly updates posted in an interactive forum where members can post comments & questions.
  • 3) Coverage of banks that rank highest in the most populated states not represented by the branches of our top 15.
  • 4) Reports on top-ranked banks in the EU and Canada.
  • 5) Coverage of brokerage firms in the U.S. that provide adequate public information to assess their safety for your investment accounts.

We have teamed with Renaissance Research, who has been covering banking stocks in the U.S., Europe and other regions around the world for two decades. They provide fundamental analysis, DCF/multiples valuation, and commentaries on price-sensitive events. They have been top-ranked in banking research by a variety of polls, including Institutional Investor and Thomson Extel.

We take no financial remuneration from these banks in any manner whatsoever. The only financial relationship we may have with these banks is within a debtor/creditor relationship, wherein we expect to put our own money into accounts in many if not all the banks we outline in this service. Our sole goal is to find the safest banks possible.
